Saturday, December 04, 2004



Christmas. A time of gifts, Santa, and of course new toys. Right?

I'm not saying this is wrong, but I personally think that there isn't enough "Christ" left in Christmas. People seem to be skipping advent! For Pete's sake, have you seen the lights out already! People are putting out their Christmas lights in November! On person put theirs up on Oct. 1st!

Why is this a big deal?

Advent is a) a time of waiting and b) the 2nd most important part of te luturgical year, seconded only by Easter. Advent means a time of waiting. Some people entirely forget to prepare them selves for the coming season. Instead they put up their Christmas lights, and totally skip Advent! That's just plain wrong. And Christmas seems to be more about Santa and Gifts, instead of Christ and his birth. I am putting up my tree this weekend, but I'm not going to really pay attention to it uuntil Christmas. I might think about it, look at the lights, but I am not, I repeat am NOT skipping Advent. This is mostly my personal opinion, not all fact. But, hey, what are blogs for?

I agree completely, Emma! My family fights me on this, but I try not to decorate until St. Lucy's Day (her name means light) and the tree until today, Gaudete Sunday. Which is what I have to do right now.. .
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